question 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

Question 4


Digital etiquette is known as a basic set of rules you should follow in order to make the internet better for others, and better for you. These are rules that will enhance good behaviour when using the internet and not harming or disturbing someone who is also using the internet at the same time. It is just as important to treat people with courtesy and respect online as it is in real life. Someone’s reputation can be tarnished through online practices and going to an extend of losing self-esteem.

I would like to blame the information Technology specialists because sometimes or the majority of them, don’t practice digital etiquette, instead, they take advantage of people who lack information   about the things of the internet   and they are aware of being responsible online citizen. According to Mike Ribble {2013}, this is one of the more pr0blematic issues in digital citizenship. People recognise inappropriate behaviour but don’t know how to appropriately combat it.

A number of parents and teachers are concerned that the rise in popularity of text messaging among kids might be hurting their writing language skills. It becomes a problem when it comes to academic writing because students their online texting style in their academic work. Many teachers consider texting language to be conversational slang for the tech-savvy generation. Problems that we consider in digital etiquette is hacking, invading people’s privacy and cyberbullying of which is a big issue. The internet can be a powerful tool when it comes to circulating opinion or information access, the impact can increase dramatic.

As an individual, to avoid the situation , you should always mind whatever you talk about online because not everything you speak is always good. Sometimes you might offend someone not knowing that you are offending someone. You will find that someone has killed him/herself because of whatever said on the internet, it might be on Facebook, Twitter ,Instagram, or Whatsapp.One example that has affected many people that would cause a big problem would be sending an email before re-reading it. Email can’t get back after you send them to their recipient. Make sure you double check , re-read a couple of times if you have to do. Don’t send things out of anger, or rage, but make sure it is to the correct person you are sending it to and there isn’t any problem , then you can send.


According to my own opinion, people know everything about Digital Etiquette, is just that people have got a problem of knowing too much and having a criminal mind and take advantage of illiterate individuals.




Brainpop.2016.Digital Etiquette. {online}. Available at studies/culture/digitaletiquette/Fyi/.  {accessed 05/06/2017}

Cunedigitalcitizenship wikispace. 2013. {online}. Available at


Article 1. Right to equality

You are free and equal in rights to every other human being. You have the ability to think and tell right from wrong and treat others with friendship. No one should push you into something you don’t want no matter how the situation.


Article 2. Freedom from discrimination.

You have all these human rights no matter what your race, skin colour, sex, language, background, social or economic status, birth and nationality.


Article 3. Right to free movement

You have the right to come and go as you which in and out of your country. You have a right to leave your country to another one, and you should be able to return to your country if you to.


Article 4. Right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.

You cannot be punished for something that was not considered as crime at the time you did it. You should be considered innocent until it can be proven in a fair trial that you are guilty.


Article 5. Freedom from interference with privacy, family, home and correspondence.

You have the right to be protected if someone tries to harm your good name or enter your home, open your mail or bother you or your family without good reason.


Article 6. Freedom from slavery.

Nobody has a right to treat you as a slave and you should not make anyone your slave.


 Article 7. Right to life, liberty and personal security.

You have the right to life, to be free and to feel safe. These should be in a form of everyone having a shelter and reporting every criminal offence that is performed.


Article 8. Freedom from torture and degrading treatment.

Nobody has the right to torture, harm or humiliate you.


Article 9. Right to recognition as a person before the law.

Each and every one has  a right to take an appeal if his or her case has not been dealt with in a correct way, and a right to report criminal offences and give potential evidence.


Article 10. Right to protection in other countries.

Have a right to be protected in another country as a citizen of that country as we also protect foreign people in South Africa.




Q 6.1 Digital socialisation.

It refers to the people communicate and the method they use to communicate. And it also describe the customs, quirks and language unique to a particular culture.

  • A process of culture and psychological change due to two ways culture interaction whereby ones culture is displayed to a different cultural group.
  • People, Businesses and the government can access information displayed online and that makes everyone a potential victim of a violation of privacy.
  • The reduction of cultural traditions to be showcased in the global audience.


Digital citizenship manual 2016 [First Edition: 2015]


Q 6.2 Having social media as a career it is easy to put on a person that not a true reflection of who you are. Having such a huge followings on social media is important for these public figure to or media content creators to grapple with ethical issues as a world that is constantly changing and new technology as well as media platform forming it easy lose sight of you ethics.

These are problems or situations that requires a person or an organisation to choose between alternative that make be evaluated as right [ethical] or wrong [unethical]. Issues like hacking, privacy invasion they can be a disturbing aspect in socialisation.


Digital citizenship manual 2016 [first Edition: 2015]








Digital security

It is the protection of your digital identity the network or internet equivalent of your physical identity and it includes the tools you use to secure your identity, assets and technology in the online and mobile world.

My fellow student I will like to warn about digital security because it is important for you to b safe on the internet as we know that in this current time, we spent much of our time on the internet. Don’t enter into a website you don’t know or that does not have an  ”S” that stands for security. Entering such websites will increase the risk of you getting viruses or your information being hacked at the same time. Some of the campaign that on the internet are there just to invade your private information so that they use it as false information that will help them steal money from various institutions or organisation. Much of the kidnaping in the World is as a result of having digital security because Students display their personal information on social media on to find that some people use the information for criminal activities.





It is the buying and selling of goods and services online.


It’s unique because a retail business is able to order or purchase goods and services from a wholesaler through online basis. And it also become simple for a wholesale business to advertise more efficiently


It’s a transaction conducted directly between a company and consumer who is the end user of its product or service. The business to customer as a model differs significantly from the business to business model between two or one business.

Investopedia. 2017. Business to customer model. [online]. Available [Accessed on 07-06-2017]


In this model, individual customers offer to sell products and services to companies who are prepared to purchase them. This business model is the opposite of the traditionalB2C model. Sometime people want to sell products to big companies so that they maximise profits.


In customer to customer market, the business facilitates an environment where customers interact with each other. It also involves the electronically facilitated transactions between customers through some third party.

Wikipedia. 2016. Customer to customer model. [online]. Available at https// to- customer. {accessed on 07-06-2017    




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