
Showing posts from 2017

question 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

Question 4 DIGITAL ETIQUETTE Digital etiquette is known as a basic set of rules you should follow in order to make the internet better for others, and better for you. These are rules that will enhance good behaviour when using the internet and not harming or disturbing someone who is also using the internet at the same time. It is just as important to treat people with courtesy and respect online as it is in real life. Someone’s reputation can be tarnished through online practices and going to an extend of losing self-esteem. I would like to blame the information Technology specialists because sometimes or the majority of them, don’t practice digital etiquette, instead, they take advantage of people who lack information    about the things of the internet    and they are aware of being responsible online citizen. According to Mike Ribble {2013}, this is one of the more pr0blematic issues in digital citizenship. People recognise inappropriate behaviour but don’t know how to a

Question 2 and 3

Question 1


Question 1
I had nothing to do so I decided do take the pic........any comment 😂😂🤗😘😗😍😇
my discussion about netiquette
Question 1 The nine elements Digital Access It is a degree at which an individual can participate electronically in the society. Technology users need to bear in mind that they might have limited access as a result, other resources may need to be provided. Slow growth in the society is influenced by Digital Exclusion. Digital Commerce These include buying and selling goods and services electronically. The purchase of goods such as toys, clothes and food has been a commonplace to many users in the mainstream availability of internet. Consumers must learn about the effective and efficient digital economy. OLX is one of the Digital Commerce. Digital Community This is referred to an electronical exchange of information. Digital Citizenship has led to a significant change in the ability of communication as forms of communications were limited in the past. Examples of Digital Communication are, email, cellular phones, and instant messaging. Digi
the world's best players(Lionel Messi and Christiano Ronaldo)
the skilled and intelligent player currently.............oooh the future BRAZILIAN

my dogs,friendsand family

the happiest moments kjhhi

drinking alcahol like bosses

moment I shared with friends